Sunday, April 7, 2013

Flower Power

Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I wanted to make a quick post on a look that I did over the weekend. Its dramatic and colourful without being too bold. A key thing that I noticed with makeup is that as long as you keep a light hand on the bold colours you can easily make it more wearable. I hope you guys like the makeup and the flower I made with my scarf! Leave a comment below because I'm always open to suggestions :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Light it up blue!

Hey Everyone,

This blog post is really special!

Yesterday was the first day of  Autism awareness and in honour of that people are all joining in and wearing blue to support the cause. For those of you who may not know what autism is I will give you a brief explanation. Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder which causes social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Children who are diagnosed are usually around the age of 2-3. Its a sad statistic but researchers say that 1 in 88 children will have autism. There is no cure for autism.

I have a cousin who has autism who is now 13 years old. When he was younger I remember begging my aunt to let him sleep over so I could care and play with him. I remember waking up at night making his bottle when he would cry and then rubbing his head until he fell back asleep (and I loved it). I remember giving him a bath and watching him play with the cars in the tub. I will never forget those memories. As he got older his condition got worse and he eventually stopped walking and now hes is on a wheelchair. Sitting in the wheelchair his back started to getting weak because his bones could not support his weight. Last month he went through a very long 6 hour operation of his spine which they have now inserted a rod in so he can sit up straight in his chair. Luckily it went well and he is recovering like a charm. Alhumdulillah

Its been a very difficult ride for my family and his parents of course. We love him to bits and pieces and raising awareness is the least that we can do. Him having a physical disability doesn't alter his amazing/funny personality and sweet smile. (below is his picture at my wedding)

I hope you guys take a minute and read the link I have provided below in honour of autism awareness month. Not only that my blog has had over 5000 hits! and I cant be more excited. So in honour of this wonderful cause ill be donating EVERY pageview, like, and comment to autism research! that's right EVERYTHING will count so please don't hesitate to share!

This one is for you Abdul Basit! I lit my eyes blue for you!


Your Cousin <3