Sunday, June 24, 2012

Feelin Kind of Blue

Hey Everyone

I had a request to do some looks that were smokey! So I thought that I would do a smokey blue look since its my favourite colour and matched my outfit :) so here are a few tips about doing a smokey look

1. You don't have to use black! what I did in the pictures below is use 3 different shades of blue. I used a dark navy, light blue and then a even lighter blue to blend the crease and ofcourse the electric blue eyeliner on top. Sometimes black can be a little overwhelming however if you want to pump the look up and be more dramatic a little bit of black will do the trick just make sure you tap your brush so its only a tiny amount. To keep with the smokiness blend your black eyeliner on the bottom lashline a littler thicker for a more cohesive look and then add the dark blue on top to set it from smudging

2. Smokey eyes with a more toned down lip looks much more nicer. From personal experience on me and on clients, having a less bold lip with a smokey eye really plays up the eyes and looks a lot more classic, and then just top off with a nice lipgloss

3. Up the amp on the mascara or use false lashes! Since you are using a lot of dark colours and doing heavy blending your lashes may get lost so pull out your darkest black mascara and give yourself a good couple coats and if need be throw on some dramatic lashes to complete the look

So here are a few pictures of my smokey blue eyes and if you guys have any requests for a specific colour in mind please leave a comment below and ill do a whole series of smokey eyes with whatever colours you guys want! thanks so much for the support, Much love <3

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